It was a Friday morning around 9:30 and there was a loooooooong line... But no worries, we got everything that I wanted!
The best everr.....
I love this! It was like a savory, herby, popover!
Morning Bun
Oh my goodness, the crusty, sweetness!
Frangipane Tart
Huckleberries?! And a flaky crust!
We ate all of this, and with a happy full belly, we walked over the Golden Gate Bridge. It was rainy, and super windy, but I didn't care. I had Tartine Croissant in my belly!
We took our rental car and drove to El Zocalo for some Pupusas for the ride to Monterey!
This was a first for me. I had never had a Pupusa before this glorious day!
Unfortunately, we waited to eat this because we were too full from the pastries... I bet it would've been even better if it were fresh and hot right off the griddle!
We got one with pork, bean, and cheese... (OMG, my fav)
And another with chicken and cheese!
Dude... seriously, crispy dough, meat, and gooey cheese.... how can it NOT be good?!
This fueled our like 2 hour ride to Monterey. We stayed in Monterey for our hike the next day in Big Sur...
In Monterey by our hotel, there were a bunch of places to eat so we took a chance and came here..
I was like, "what do you guys have?" They said, "Ribs and stuff" so I was like, I'm in!
To start, we got the Artichoke Bruschetta and Turkey Chowder (?)
I got the Ribs
Tiny got the Ribeye
They both came with this incredible Twice Baked Potato!
With a really full belly now, we went to bed in our new hotel room (which had an electric fireplace) without a fear of getting robbed/raped/drugged... Seriously, our hotel in San Francisco was badddddddd...
Tartine Bakery
600 Guerrero Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
Phone: (415)-487-2600
El Zocalo
3230 Mission Street (btw 29th St & Valencia St)
San Francisco, CA 94110
Phone: (415)-282-2572
Monterey Cookhouse
2149 Fremont Street
Monterey, CA 93940
Phone: (831)-642-9900