Check out the Animal Style Drippage
Another last one, to make you jealous:
We said that for dinner on the last night, we would cook a nice meal for our gracious host for taking care of us so well...
Remember these?
Stuffed Pork Chops, Yams, Green Beans with Bread Crumbs :-)
Finished off with a "French Cheesecake" from Vons! If you don't know Vons, it's like the equivalent of like A&P, or Food Emporium. It's like the Grocery Store Chain of San Diego...
The next morning, we woke up at like 4:00 AM, and we were home in NY by 6:00 PM! And after thinking I couldn't eat for another week, my mom took out me, Tiny, and Tiny's friend for Korean BBQ!!
Hahahahaha! I <3 FOOD! In-N-Out Burgers
2910 Damon Avenue
Pacific Beach, CA 92109
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