I can't really remember the last time I went camping... like the whole sha-bang--->tent, BBQ, hiking, fishing, campfire. I've done each of them separately, but just the whole "CAMPING" package (which I probably haven't done since my dad lived with me) is so freakin awesome!
Me, Ed, and Ed's little brother Doug drove up together...
Ed drove
Doug was crammed in the back with all our gear
And of course, Ed got a gorgeous picture of me passed out with my mouth open hahaha
We got to Margaret Lewis Norrie State Park in Staatsburg, NY around 5:30 and set up
Then Colin showed up....
What a badass!!! His signature "over-the-shoulder" pose... don't worry you'll see it again!
And after everyone showed up, I cooked some dogs and 'burgs on the mini grill!
And of course, after dinner, we chilled around the campfire and made... S'MORES! but get this... we used Reese's Peanut Butter Cups instead of regular old milk chocolate!
On Saturday, after breakfast, we went on a hike on the White Trail which runs right along the Hudson River!! It was gorgeous!
And then we decided to be super silly, and we took "as-good-as-album-cover" shots in the woods...
And even better... this is potential N' Sync album material:
At night, we did the same thing... BBQ dinner and S'Mores Pop Tart around the campfire. But this night, we had Jeff and Doug playing the acoustic guitar and we also told a rediculously awesome story HAHAHA!
On the last day, which was actually today (Sunday), we had to check out by 11 AM, so me, Ed, and Jeff got up early to go fishing first thing in the morning. When we got back, I prepared breakfast while the boys packed up the camping stuff.
After we left the actual campgrounds, we stayed in the park and found an open field. We set up the volleyball net and
Need I say more?
Our trip ended with the most delicious treat on EARTH!
More specifically...
Banana Cream Pie Blizzard... its heaven in a cup!
Why don't we have any Dairy Queens in Westchester County??
Margaret Lewis Norrie State Park
Old Post Road, P.O. Box 893
Staatsburg, NY 12580
Phone: 845-889-4646
Dairy Queen
4164 Albany Post Rd
Hyde Park, NY 12538-1761
Phone: 845-229-7170