So, the celebration started Friday was the Sloppy Joes. And yesterday, we had his family over to my apartment (for the first time ever!) for brunch! I was so excited because:
a. I love making brunchy type foods but don't get to make them often.
b. It was my first time to "host" a gathering!
Being the neurotic, anxious, control freak that I am, I stressed myself out to the extreme even though I was so excited to host this brunch! I wanted the menu, the food, and the house to be perrrrrfect! Fortunately, thanks to my HP, everything did work out perfectly :-)
Brunch is serrrved:
1. Leftover Weight Watchers rolls and the best bagels in Westchester, Scarsdale Bagels
2. Crispy Quinoa and Potato Hash Browns
3. Mini Frittatas with Ham and Cheddar
4. Crispy Pigs! A.K.A- BACON!
5. Whole Wheat Challah French Toast- Who knew whole wheat challah bread existed?!
6. Stewed Apples-Just boiled some apples in water, honey, cinnamon stick, and nutmeg and thickened it up at the end with cornstarch... Great side for the french toast!
The whole table set up: We also had a delicious fruit salad, and for beverages, we had milk and orange juice!
After brunch, I let Ed open his gift...
The Ipod Touch! Isn't he gorgeous?!
And of course, later that day, we had dessert. A special dessert for a guy (whose been doing amazing!) in Weight Watchers!
Lulu's Banana Cake with Chocolate Chips and Peanut Butter Buttercream, Chocolate Chip Cookie, and of course a tall glass of milk!
Happy Birthday Baby! And also...
Happy 22 Months to us! Yes, we count months... get over it!
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